To budget properly, it is mainly a question of revising your Income and Expenditure. You will be surprised where savings can be made.
Please complete the following Budget Planner. Once submitted, it will automatically be sent to Credit Control. A copy will also be sent to your email address.
We will require your current Proof of Income and a bank statement for the last 3 months. You can post or hand in your 3 months Bank Statement to our offices. Once we receive Proof of Income and Budget Planner, we will then review your situation and contact you.
How to fill in your Budget Planner
A Budget will also assist you in prioritising your spending. It may be that by looking at your spending pattern you will see where savings can be made.
If you find it difficult to assess your Spending, why not track all your Spending by keeping and recording all receipts for a week or two. You will be surprised where you can make some savings.
To track your Spending, MABS Spending Diary will show you how, click here.